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Thread: How Do you Monetize Your Podcast?

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  1. #1
    IAIB Pro Broadcaster Spencer Kobren's Avatar
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    Los Angeles, CA

    Post How Do you Monetize Your Podcast?

    I’m a huge believer in thinking outside of the box when it comes to the distribution and monetization of my broadcast. What are some unique ways you’ve found to monetize yours?
    Follow Me On Twitter: @spencerkobren

  2. #2
    IAIB Broadcaster MyTakeRadio's Avatar
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    Queens, NY
    I usually use sell 30 sec. spots for commercials to play between segments. Also link what we review to our Amazon affiliate accounts. It is a slow battle. May move some older content to a paywall in the near future as well. Still researching that.

  3. #3
    IAIB Broadcaster JakeKettle's Avatar
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    It actually ends up costing me money LOL. Haven't found a way to monetize it as of yet, most of the advertising options (at least from my reading), you would need hundreds of thousands of viewers to even be considered by an advertiser. Not sure what else there is as far as monetization goes.
    Any man can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error.
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    Jake Kettle
    Executive Producer
    Truth Transmission
    Ewing, New Jersey

  4. #4
    Administrator andrewzarian's Avatar
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    We stick to Live reads. Each show does a live read for the product that we are advertising.

  5. #5
    IAIB Pro Broadcaster Spencer Kobren's Avatar
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    Hey Richard, selling ads is always good if you can do it, but it’s not easy for most independents.

    You said a mouthful Jake! This is an issue that most internet broadcasters face, but the truth is it’s really not an issue at all. You guys have to think outside of the box and understand that you don't have to have millions of downloads a month to make a lot of money as an internet broadcaster.

    This is new media, and in my view playing by the old rules makes little sense. Here’s an idea for you Jake. Why not partner with an established online community in your genre? You can provide them with unique content for their site that will separate them from the rest. The name of the game for online communities is traffic, so this is a win win. You’ll be gaining a captured audience that in time will want to consume anything you produce and your community partner will gain traffic from competing sites by offering unique content. In time you can either charge a licensing fee for your content or work out some sort of revenue split.

    Food for thought....
    Follow Me On Twitter: @spencerkobren

  6. #6
    Administrator andrewzarian's Avatar
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    Queens NY
    when people ask me for tips to monetize their podcast I always tell them to grow the audience first. You also need to make sure that your audience will be interested in the product that you are advertising on your show. Its always great to get money accept money but you also want the sponsor to keep coming back

  7. #7
    IAIB Broadcaster MyTakeRadio's Avatar
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    Queens, NY
    Most times when it comes to other shows that buy air time it is usually a show that our audience can connect with. A lot of our listeners are cheap lol so it is always an uphill battle. I definitely spend more then I make but eventually a winning formula will present itself. I agree with Spencer with regards to changing how the game is played. Need to take risks

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