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Thread: Electric Demons Radio "Real Music mixed by Real DJs" Join us TONIGHT!!!!!

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Cool Electric Demons Radio "Real Music mixed by Real DJs" Join us TONIGHT!!!!!

    Electric Demons Radio is an online radio community from Puerto Rico who's only purpose is to promote the growing EDM scene by giving the chance to DJ/Producers, Companies, Artists, Promoters etc… to expose their work to a live audience with interactive shows, marketplace, blogs , news feed , mixes , interviews and much more.

    Our vision is to let the EDM scene spread across the island and the world.
    Our goal is to let your voice be heard.

    "Electric Demons Radio, real music mixed by real DJs."

    Enjoy the mixes sent to us by your favorite local DJs from Puerto Rico! EDR is a community radio created for the use of the talented producers of Puerto Rico to expose their art to the world! It’s an open radio where all the DJs are welcomed to broadcast live from the comfort of their home to thousands of people around the globe. Music brings the people together. Let bring you closer to the electronic dance movement! Spread the word! Electric Demons Radio, real music mixed by real DJs!!!

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    joins us tonight for "Reggae Sundays" and aslo check the Goodies Section on the top of the website where you will find free downloads, music videos and podcasts. Remember to check the daily lineup on the weekdays for more info about the shows!!! Enjoy!


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