Hey everyone! My name is Aaron Righter and I am the owner and editor-in-chief of Indie-Love.com a website dedicated to covering independently developed video games on a wide range of platforms. We're proud to have joined the IAIB, the only International Association I've ever been a part of before is the International House of Pancakes (*insert rimshot here*) Terrible jokes aside, I ought to tell you where we broadcast and what we do. Like a lot of gamers we are doing shows on Twitch.tv. We have a different show each day, 7 days a week! In addition to that we have a Live Show that we release on iTunes and through our YouTube (all links at the bottom), and a new show called the Executives which is an audio only podcast. We do all this in addition to our articles on our official site. I hope you'll come check us out, we have a great, funny bunch of livecasters and a really interesting and fun community. Thanks!

Website: Indie-Love.com
Twitch: Twitch.tv/indielove
YouTube: YouTube.com/IndieLoveGaming
Twitter: @IndieLoveTweets
Email: admin [at] indie-love [dot] com