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Thread: Behringer X1204USB takes center stage on That VidBlaster Guy

  1. #1
    IAIB Broadcaster
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Behringer X1204USB takes center stage on That VidBlaster Guy

    Tuesday's show will feature our new Behringer X1204USB and its place in our live-streaming set up. This follows up last week's Studio Tour show.

    The Behringer is set to independently control local mics, Skype guests and VidBlaster players. I'll review our set up and show close-ups of what-goes-where. Should be fun.

    As a bonus, I'll show how to use VidBlaster to draw right on the screen. Fun and could be useful at times.

    Tuesday @ 3 ET, 8 UK. Hope to see you there.

    - Tom

    BTW: With "Studio Tech Live" moving to Tuesdays at 2 ET and "What the Tech" at 4 ET, it's back-to-back-to-back tech on Tuesdays!

  2. #2
    IAIB Broadcaster
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Just found out that Martin Kay (ZEN Computers/UK) will join us for the broadcast. Oh yeah!

  3. #3
    Moderator / IAIB Pro Broadcaster mcphillips's Avatar
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    Mar 2012
    North Carolina
    Quote Originally Posted by ongtrumkinhdoanh View Post
    Tuy?n nhân viên vÃ* ctv kinh doanh ch? ký s?, ph?n m?m kê khai thu? qua m?ng, ph?n m?m k? toán.
    ***Yêu c?u công vi?c:
    - Nam/N? t?t nghi?p cao d?ng tr? lên.
    - Uu tiên ?ng viên am hi?u v? th? tru?ng vÃ* có kinh nghi?m bán Ch? ký s?.
    - K? nang bán hÃ*ng, k? nang giao ti?p vÃ* x? lý tình hu?ng.
    - Trung th?c , th?t thÃ*, xuyên nang, có tinh th?n trách nhi?m.
    ***Quy?n L?i:
    - M?c luong t?i thi?u 6,000,000d
    - Du?c nh?n luong co b?n vÃ* hoa h?ng tuong ?ng.
    *** H? so g?m:
    - Don xin vi?c lÃ*m.
    - So y?u lý l?ch.
    - Gi?y khám s?c kh?e.
    - S? h? kh?u.
    - CMND.
    - Ch?ng ch?, b?ng c?p có liên quan.
    - Các h? so, gi?y t? khác ( S? BHXH, quy?t d?nh thôi vi?c, ...) n?u có.
    - CV kinh nghi?m ( n?u có ).
    - Không c?n công ch?ng.

    Don v? tuy?n d?ng: Công ty CP Kinh doanh vÃ* D?ch v? Thuong m?i SOTA
    D?a ch?: S? 7, T? 59, P. Yên Hòa, Q. C?u Gi?y, Tp. HÃ* N?i.
    Ch?u trách nhi?m tuy?n dung: Mr Ph?m Quang Nguy?n.
    Phone: 042 24 26 222
    Mobile: 0985088983.
    Ch? ký s?
    You write like Andrew.
    Please direct all questions for me to the forum so that all can benefit.


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