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Thread: Google Hangout "Studio Mode" Skype Killer

  1. #1
    Administrator andrewzarian's Avatar
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    Google Hangout "Studio Mode" Skype Killer

    Earlier today Google announced a new feature to google hangouts : STUDIO MODE. Studio Mode enables higher quality audio: optimized for music rather than voice. Can this be a Skype killer? Even though it claims that its for music and not voice the new feature do benefit Internet Broadcasters.

    Do you guys think Studio mode can work for internet Broadcasters?

  2. #2
    IAIB Pro Broadcaster Spencer Kobren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andrewzarian View Post
    Earlier today Google announced a new feature to google hangouts : STUDIO MODE. Studio Mode enables higher quality audio: optimized for music rather than voice. Can this be a Skype killer? Even though it claims that its for music and not voice the new feature do benefit Internet Broadcasters.

    Do you guys think Studio mode can work for internet Broadcasters?
    I’m really interested in seeing if it works as well or better than Skype.
    Follow Me On Twitter: @spencerkobren

  3. #3
    Senior Member Linuxcooldude's Avatar
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    It depends. I think the biggest advantage is mostly if you use, as was noted, music. Using studio mode will most likely use more bandwidth for some people this will be a problem.

    The biggest problem with using Google+ hangouts is AGC or automatic gain control. Using with an external mixer reaks havoc if your trying to set audio levels, only to have a software program constantly change them on the fly. ( As far as I know, you can't turn it off ) I had this problem with skype on mac and on earlier versions had to edit a configuration file to turn AGC off. Now on newer versions just a check mark to manage audio manually.

    Until you can turn AGC off and set volume manually on Google+ Hangouts don't see it being used as much as other alternatives.
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  4. #4
    Member Dahalabit's Avatar
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    this is very exciting. I am currently looking for some options for my company and google hangouts might be that option

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    I am a big fan of Google Hangout and have experience Studio Mode. It works well. Additionally, I was looking for other free audio conferencing options and have found a good one; RHUB Web conferencing appliances integrated with free audio conferencing.

  6. #6
    Administrator andrewzarian's Avatar
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    I would love to hear from mike on this one? What do you think of studio mode?

  7. #7
    Senior Member oscarmartz's Avatar
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    Its a little confusing actually. I have heard some people use studio mode and it sounds totally hollow and crappy and others have sounded great. I still don't think its better than Skype
    you best get steppin

  8. #8
    IAIB Broadcaster BradShoemaker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oscarmartz View Post
    Its a little confusing actually. I have heard some people use studio mode and it sounds totally hollow and crappy and others have sounded great. I still don't think its better than Skype
    That might be more a question of what was their initial setup feeding into Studio mode. If you are using sub-par mics, or the room isn't treated properly, then no matter how good Studio mode is, it will still sound bad.

  9. #9
    Senior Member Dan Ortego's Avatar
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    Currently I don't think that it's a 'Skype killer' although I welcome anything that will give Skype an incentive to improve on its capabilities. For what it is I think Skype is excellent insomuch that it is essentially free. Even with my Office-365 account I still purchase minutes when I want to contact someone in Europe on their cell phone, as their rates are still very competitive. If Skype improves their quality that would be fantastic, but this may not happen until there is a 'viable' competitor in the market.

    BTW, I agree with Brad that you have to start with a good source and the microphone IMO is the cornerstone. I realize that it's debatable as to some parts of the chain but I tend to try and keep it clean all the way through.
    Last edited by Dan Ortego; 11-21-2013 at 02:12 PM.

  10. #10
    Senior Member Podnutter's Avatar
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    I need to try this out. Skype word wonderfully for me but sometimes its not so great for other guest.

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