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Thread: The Pants Command Me

  1. #1
    Junior Member PantsCommander's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Minneapolis, MN

    The Pants Command Me

    So yeah, hey everyone. My name is Evan, and I run a little podcasting group called the Fancy Pants Gangsters based out of Minneapolis, MN. Started the network on April 1st, 2008, since then we've published over 900 episodes (should hit 1000 by mid September, if my math works). I currently host 3 shows a week (sometimes 4 since one of the shows is doing a summer-long special series) ranging in topics from local food, videogames, and voice acting. We also have shows about goth/metal music and television on the network. Retired shows include a show about film, 2 different shows about ska music, 2 other music shows (one for forgotton pop of the 60s-80s and another all about female artists) and a radio drama. I've got plans for about 5 other shows, but budget (both money and time) prohibits at this point. I also like parenthetical statements, apparently.

    I look forward to wasting my workday on the forum on a more regular basis. - Those who can, do. Those you cannot, do it on the internet.

  2. #2
    Administrator andrewzarian's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Queens NY
    Hey Evan ,

    Welcome to the IAIB. Congrats on approaching your 1000th show. You should be proud of what you have achieved considering most Podcasters don't make it past 20 shows.

    Im looking forward in you posting some of your experiences in Podcasting. We all can learn a lot from each other

  3. #3
    Junior Member PantsCommander's Avatar
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    Jun 2012
    Minneapolis, MN
    First experience/tip: Don't expect to be able to quit your job after a year. And certainly don't tell anyone that plan.

    In the interest of correctness, I was only on 600-700 of those episodes. The rest were my network-mates. - Those who can, do. Those you cannot, do it on the internet.

  4. #4
    IAIB Pro Broadcaster Spencer Kobren's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Los Angeles, CA
    Hey Evan, welcome to the IAIB!
    Follow Me On Twitter: @spencerkobren

  5. #5
    IAIB Broadcaster sunkast's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Welcome to the IAIB Evan.

    Have you ever heard of Five Iron Frenzy? They're a cool undead ska band from Denver, CO.
    Watch Tech News Weekly every Friday at 3pm EST on the GFQ Network.

  6. #6
    Junior Member PantsCommander's Avatar
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    Jun 2012
    Minneapolis, MN
    Yeah man, really dig FIF. I've got thier live album around here somewhere. I'm glad they are back together, wouldn't mind seeing them live. - Those who can, do. Those you cannot, do it on the internet.

  7. #7
    IAIB Broadcaster sunkast's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Me too. Hopefully they do a tour.
    Watch Tech News Weekly every Friday at 3pm EST on the GFQ Network.

  8. #8
    IAIB Broadcaster ChaseShumway's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Las Vegas, Nevada
    EVAN!!!! You made it!!! Welcome!

    On a side note... about ten years ago, I produced/wrote/anchored some satirical newscasts in the vein of THE DAILY SHOW (not nearly as good obviously) for a local cable channel. One of the stories we did took place at a Five Iron Frenzy concert. When I read that name, I thought to myself, "they sound familiar..." I think I still have that S-VHS tape somewhere.
    Chase Shumway
    Circle Me On Google+ (while it still exists)


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