I just went to the vidblaster website and there seems to be a new verison.


VidBlaster v4.04 replaces the two most CPU hungry modules, Streamer and Recorder with much lighter replacements. Combined with some other efficiency improvements this version is even lighter than the previous v3 beta, and significantly lighter than the latest v3 release version.

This version is now ready for the upcoming Windows 10 release.

The new Screen Capture module, replacing the screen capture feature of the old Camera I module, has been extended with a Skype Video selection that automatically grabs the video portion of the Skype window.

Though not visible, an exciting 'watch' function has been added to the Overlay module. This function monitors the loaded graphic and reloads it when an update is detected. This can be extremely handy e.g. when another party (or application) is maintaining the scoreboard overlay.

Two new modules have been added to the Home edition (Output & Scoreboard), improving the positioning of this low-cost edition in the live video production market.

Here's a brief overview of the most important changes since the last version:
Overlay: added watch feature, png now dynamically updated.
Tally Lights: added support for generic tally lights system.
Output & Scoreboard modules now also available in Home edition.
Camera: Crop now available in all editions.
Screen Capture: added 'Skype Video' feature.
Screen Capture: added Crop feature.
Recorder (II): added time label and Record & Stop buttons.
Recorder (II): added API pins audiodevice, audioinput & source.
Recorder (II): added Audio Delay option.
Output: now uses less resources.
Output: module cleared if destination is Display and monitors added/removed.
Output: added popup menu entries On, Off, Source (replaces drop down list), Destination & Display Size.
Output: added popup menu with Clear command to display.
Output: list of destinations now updated dynamically.
Streamer default settings now require less CPU.
Streamer: stream type FMS now also supports login credentials.
Added support for Streaming Praise TV special edition (under construction).
Playout controller, Screen Capture & Tally Lights modules no longer beta.
Removed Camera I, Camera III renamed to Camera.
Removed Streamer I, Streamer III beta renamed to Streamer.
Removed Recorder (I), Recorder II beta renamed to Recorder.
Fixed bug in multi-channel audio support.
Playout: fixed bug, clicking below last row does nothing.
Playout: added check for availability of player when starting playout.
Recorder (II): fixed slomo issue at start of recording.
Screen Capture: fixed bug in Clear.
Camera (III): fixed bug, Clear now clears both display & outgoing video.
API: fixed bug in addressing modules that were added in current session.
API: fixed bug in command processor (removed fallback to Playout).
Streamer III: fixed bug in ScaleEngine support.
Overlay: fixed bug in disabled status of Clear command.
Overlay: fixed bug, display (also) cleared with Clear command.
Download the new VidBlaster here.

Note the Trial edition is equal to the Studio edition. You can order your licence for VidBlaster Home, Pro, Studio or Broadcast in the store or at your local reseller. Upgrade licences are available at a discount. Make sure you order the correct licence, more information about licensing can be found in here. You can use the free upgrade option in VidBlaster's Registration window if you purchased a v3 licence less than one year ago.