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Thread: Low-cost Audio Editing Service on the Net

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  1. #1
    Junior Member Ron Redwalker Knight's Avatar
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    Oct 2014
    Pearl Of The Orient

    Smile Low-cost Audio Editing Service on the Net


    I am writing from Red Walk Boy Production, which is the newest online audio production studio. I am keen to provide my audio editing services to your podcast.

    My virtual studio offers the most affordable audio editing service on the Net. I offer all kinds of audio editing for podcast, audiobook, e-learning, audio interview, teleseminar and conference. In addition, I also offer sound design for animation and explainer videos.

    I decided to write a letter to let you know that I have a very special offer for someone like you. A dollar per minute is what I propose.

    What is $1 per minute of editing?

    The first of its kind of service perhaps in the world! I am referring to the length of the finished product not the raw audio. Thus after the editing, I will calculate the amount of time then multiply it by one.

    Here is an example:
    Raw Audio: 10 minutes (unedited version)
    Finished Audio: 7 minutes (ready for posting version)
    Therefore: 7 x 1 = 7
    Just pay 7 dollars (7USD). That’s almost the minimum wage in the USA.

    It's that simple. You'll never find anything like this on the Net but in my studio. No shenanigan!

    The average attention span of an adult listening to a lecture or talk is between 15 to 20 minutes and a typical podcast is 40 minutes long (+ or – 5 minutes). Polishing an audio of this length often takes more than an hour; it may be two to five hours depending on the severity of the file. The rates of audio editors or engineers in top three freelance websites like Fiverr, Elance and Odesk are ranging from 5-27 USD per hour. Therefore, if your audio is forty minutes long, you will surely pay more than what I offer.

    I am an audio editor for radio, TV and film and I was trained in the biggest audio post production in the country. I have more than a decade of experience in broadcast industry. I started out as a radio disc jockey and ended up as an audio engineer. Aside from having good ears; I am patient, well-organized, self-disciplined, deadline oriented, and I pay attention to details. I choose quality over quantity so I do not usually accept jobs when I am occupied. Since I am a newcomer, I have a lot of time for any audio editing task. If you are looking for someone who can focus on your project, I am the guy you're looking for. Just send your audio file few days before the release date so I could send it back a day before the schedule.

    I am well versed in:
    - Audio to video synchronization (AV Sync)
    - Audio clean-up
    - Audio enhancement (EQ, Compression, Normalization)
    - Noise reduction
    - Voiceover editing (Podcast, Audiobook, e-learning)
    - Other audio related services for Audio Interviews, Tele-seminars/conferences
    - SFX or sound design

    Audio that has unnecessary sound in it tends to bore listeners. So you need an audio engineer who can help you improve the quality of your recording. And yes, I am an audio engineer and I can make sure that you will keep the attention of your listeners!

    Here’s what I can do for you:
    I can remove long pauses and sections you want to omit.
    I can remove audible clicks, pops, flubs (uhs and ums).
    I can add intro and ending music (files you provide)
    I can add commercial messages (files you provide)
    I can join recordings together and make it sound natural.
    I can change the pitch and speed of your vocals.
    I can mix and master your audio.
    I can add sound effects when needed. I have my own sound effects library for sound design project.

    I will make sure that your audio can be transmitted intelligibly, proficiently and with high quality. Simply put it this way, I am the person who can help you make your audio sound like a Pro!

    Expect affordable and quality work that may even exceed your expectations; a product without compromising the output. Please take a look at my home page at to get an idea of projects I have developed.

    As a bonus, I will include your website or any link of your show in my own page. I am a licensed teacher and I am planning to put up my own podcast about local Education and Politics in the near future. I could advertise your website in my show for free.

    I look forward to your favourable response and thank you in advance for your time and consideration.

    You are free to reply to this message through this email address:


    Audio Editor
    Red Walk Boy Production
    Last edited by Ron Redwalker Knight; 10-19-2014 at 10:35 AM. Reason: Proofreading


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