This is Chris from St. Louis, MO.

I am relatively new to podcasting on my own, and I recently launched my own brand called the Hardcore Tech Show at that specializes in sharing my knowledge in IT (a decade of experience), technology, and gadgets with everyone and hoping to provide great content. I've posted 4 episodes so far, and it's pretty rough around the edges I think. I fully realize I will become even better with time. I definitely welcome any and all feedback with an open mind.

I am also involved as a co-host on the recently launched Wrestling Informant radio show at As you might have guessed, it's a wrestling podcast. It's mainly run by my good friend Gary, and we provide daily audio updates in a membership format, and free weekly audio updates that we record on Sunday afternoons.

On a side note, we also do a live broadcasted show called The Shoot which can be found at We broadcast live every Sunday from 4-6pm EST. I joined this program 1 year ago this month. This used to be wrestling based, but since we moved that over to Wrestling Informant, we focus more on our lives and interests (more on the entertainment side).

I look forward to interacting with everyone here.

