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Thread: Is this a good beginner Setup

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  1. #11
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Justian or other persons interested to do podcasting...

    My posting above includes a full complement of items that are very reasonable and will do as good a job podcasting as most elaborate setups. All you need can cost from $150 to $200 max, if you use that shopping list. You can do audio and video podcasting with the setup. Live streaming can be done as well, dependent upon the stream service you use.

    My posting doesn't describe a professional audio/video engineer preference pack, but you would be surprised how many top podcasters recommend and use those choices. An example might be the Heil PR40 mic is always recommended by podcasters as the ultimate for podcasting. I use the Audio Technica ATR-2100 mic, which has an XLR and USB input with headset jack and volume control built into the mic itself.

    I am grateful to this forums and the posters who recommended the ATR2100 mic to me. I was planning to buy the Heil PR40 at over $300 when I first started. The ATR2100 were so cheap I bought two at the same time. I don't regret it.

    My responses on this thread are not posted to refute anyone. I know I would have appreciated a thread like this. It would have saved me about 2Grand. I hope this thread can help new podcasters get involved and learn as they go about what they need.

    I conclude:

    You don't need all the tricked out hardware to do podcasting, especially when you first start. The suggestions I made are not for junkie stuff. Anyone implementing such a setup will be able to produce very high quality podcasts. Better cameras, high quality video capture cards will always do a better job with video...but they are not cheap.

    Many new podcasters should really think about budgeting when they start, not so much for the price of equipment as their own propensity to continue with podcasting. Podcasting takes time and effort. Good productions require good scripts and careful attention to detail. That is, in order to have good retention of listeners or viewers of your podcasts.

    Yes, you can live stream, do Google hangouts and talk yourself into a corner or wear people out with long-winded nonsense from like minded friends with too much time on their hands and little to say...your listeners and viewers won't stay with you without relevant quality productions.

    That old cliche' "garbage in = garbage out" not only applies to computers, but to podcasting as well.
    Last edited by domineaux; 07-06-2014 at 02:34 PM.


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