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Thread: Getting Radio sound on podcast

  1. #1
    Senior Member PaulSaunders's Avatar
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    Oct 2013

    Getting Radio sound on podcast

    I know I know this is prob a stupid question but how does one get that radio sound/feel on a podcast. When I listen to a radio show it has that extra boom behind it... not so much on most podcasts

  2. #2
    IAIB Broadcaster BradShoemaker's Avatar
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    Indianapolis, IN
    Quote Originally Posted by PaulSaunders View Post
    I know I know this is prob a stupid question but how does one get that radio sound/feel on a podcast. When I listen to a radio show it has that extra boom behind it... not so much on most podcasts
    The audio experts will know more, but the radio stations I have worked for have serious, expensive, equipment behind it. They are finely tuned (some more than others) to get a certain feel. Clear Channel Indy has RE-20 mics in the studio and then equipment that processes each individual mic, then equipment that processes the overall signal.

    Again, Mike would probably be able to tell you a lot more...

  3. #3
    Member docizzen's Avatar
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    Pretty much my fav is the Aphex 230 Preamp, which has been replaced by the Aphex Channel. If your budget won't allow, the dbx 286s is pretty decent. Both offer an exciter in the channel path that helps give you the "Boom" you are looking for. Here's a sample of the Aphex 230, which again is now the Aphex Channel:

  4. #4
    Member docizzen's Avatar
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    Warm Audio also makes some nice preamps: Click Here

    Last edited by docizzen; 02-27-2014 at 03:53 PM.

  5. #5
    Administrator andrewzarian's Avatar
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    A lot goes into getting that "Boom and Sizzle". Microphone, Processing, and of course the right voice. Mike Phillips is the man that can really answer this question.


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