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Thread: MDX4600 - Question or two about settings

  1. #1
    Member MediaFiasco's Avatar
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    Ripon, CA

    MDX4600 - Question or two about settings

    Well, I have read through some posts, and it seems that my original choice of the MDX4600 wasn't ideal... I bought it based on Cliff Ravenscraft's recommendation, and it seems to work okay for me...

    My thing is just trying to get things dialed in correctly.

    I guess the first thing to ask you to do would be to listen to my latest episode (just fast forward into a speaking portion after about a one minute intro). (may be NSFW)

    Does that sound okay, or do I need to make some adjustments? It sounds like it has some pretty fat compression, and I like that. People have told me that it sounds good on their headphones and in their cars, but I want to be sure I am delivering the best sound possible. I had never deal with compressors before, so I started with Cliff's settings:

    Then I decided to screw with things, and followed the instructions I found HERE

    And came up with these settings:

    I followed all of those instructions and the settings changed, and of course I don't have a new recording to post here, but it sounds a little richer, but at the same time pretty close.

    I know that settings depend on the voice, so I guess I just need to know if the logic behind the instructions is sound, or did I sound okay enough before that I shouldn't mess with a semi-decent sound?


    Media Fiasco Podcast
    News and Pop Culture. Irreverent. Inappropriate.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Dan Ortego's Avatar
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    Yuma, Arizona
    I think with your voice it sounds great! Yes, it's a tad boomy but reminiscent of retro radio which I personally like. By the way, that last close-up photo is excellent.
    Last edited by Dan Ortego; 12-10-2013 at 09:16 AM.

  3. #3
    Member MediaFiasco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Ortego View Post
    I think with your voice it sounds great! Yes, it's a tad boomy but reminiscent of retro radio which I personally like. By the way, that last close-up photo is excellent.
    Thanks! I think a majority of the extra boom comes through my post in Audition (Multiband Compressor). I wish I knew a little more about compression, so I could figure out how to take it down a notch - It seems like I could cut the boost or the compression ratio for the bass, or change the frequency set point? I don't know that I want to change it or anything at this point, but would at least like to know how to make those adjustments should I want to in the future.
    Oh, and that last pic was just with my iPhone 5s... thanks!
    Last edited by MediaFiasco; 12-10-2013 at 11:39 AM.

    Media Fiasco Podcast
    News and Pop Culture. Irreverent. Inappropriate.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Dan Ortego's Avatar
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    Maybe this could help. Mark gets into the compression section and he talks about the settings that I think are quite relevant for practically any compressor.
    Last edited by Dan Ortego; 12-10-2013 at 12:18 PM.

  5. #5
    Member MediaFiasco's Avatar
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    Ripon, CA
    Thanks - I just watched it. It was a little dbx specific, but it gives me some things to play with.

    I think the first thing I am going to adjust is the compression I am applying in post with audition. I may try cutting the gain in the bass there and see what that does. So many settings to mess with, so little time...

    Media Fiasco Podcast
    News and Pop Culture. Irreverent. Inappropriate.


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