I have always said the best thing that could happen to this medium is finding a way to distribute the shows in a way that seems natural to the audience. The person who finds a way to make listening to an internet broadcast as easy as turning on the car radio, or changing the channel on your tv, would be the one credited for breaking the internet broadcast revolution wide open.

It doesn't seem like we are that far off from having something like that with the likes of Google TV, Smart TV's and even if Apple enters the fold with an iTV (or whatever they would call it). Same with pure audio broadcasts as Pandora and iheartradio find their way into vehicles of all makes and models over the next few years.

It kind of makes you think, what a service like Pandora would be for the internet broadcasting world. A chance to let users listen to or watch new shows based on a like or dislike rating system. The "If you liked this show, then you may like this show" type of netflix and amazon way.

What do you think? What distribution system (present or future) has the most potential to finally push this through from internet savvy to mainstream?