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View Poll Results: Vidblaster Vs. Wirecast

63. You may not vote on this poll
  • Vidblaster

    22 34.92%
  • Wirecast

    39 61.90%
  • Other

    2 3.17%
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Thread: Vidblaster Vs Wirecast

  1. #81
    IAIB Broadcaster
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    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by thetechbuzz View Post
    But I would like to say, if you don't know the software, don't compare it. Meaning I see a lot of "Wirecast can't do this and vidblaster can." I would like to challenge your statement and say your wrong. Get the facts before comparing.

    What part of my statement (from April of last year) that you quoted do you disagree with and believe is wrong?

    As an aside, I am currently testing Wirecast on several PCs and look forward to becoming familiar enough with it to make a good comparison. If I ever decide to do a head-to-head review of Wirecast and VidBlaster, rest assured I will be as proficient with one as with the other. It seems to me that too many "reviewers" are, in fact, champions of a particular brand, and seem to have more experience with one than the other. Hence, their conclusions are predictable.
    Last edited by TomSinclair; 09-24-2013 at 09:55 PM.

  2. #82
    IAIB Pro Broadcaster thetechbuzz's Avatar
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    Tom if you took that as a direct shot at you I apologize because it wasn't. I'm still learning this "forum" thing and I just clicked reply on your post since at the time it was the last one written. My point was simple. Like you said the "champions" that know the software will stand by what they like and what they know. There is something for everyone. But what gets my goat, is when people say Wirecast can't do something and it can, or VidBlaster can't do something and it can, or Tricaster can't do something but it can. All I'm asking for is folks to post the facts. Not opinions, when comparing. You can state your opinion, just don't present it as gospel.
    Stephen Heywood
    Host/Owner of
    The Tech Buzz
    TTB Network

  3. #83
    IAIB Broadcaster
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    No problem. Understood. Relieved you were not calling me out.

    It's all good.

  4. #84
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    I skimmed through this thread. I had a brief experience with Vidblaster when I was trying to get started on live shows a few years ago. As a beginner, I found Vidblaster was nice enough. I considered buying the least expensive license. I visited the forums, and everything seemed nice enough at the time. This may have been 3-5 years ago.

    Most of my online contacts recommended Wirecast. I finally got Wirecast, and loved it. Telestream is very helpful and their forums are fantastic. It also helped to know people like Steve Heywood, Rob Johnson & others were around to provide some encouragement and support (within reason!).

    I used Wirecast on and off for at least two years, when doing live shows. I found Wirecast pretty easy to use. But I did get hung up on some features because I have a different way of understanding things. I probably only used the most basic functions, and felt happy enough.

    I stopped doing live broadcasts maybe 3 years ago. I just couldn't handle the stress as a one-man operation. For awhile I used Wirecast's Record to Disc function, but experienced audio synch problems. Perhaps my 2009 Mac mini is showing its age, and lack of power. I keep Wirecast around, but don't use it. I can't justify the expense of upgrading to the latest version.

    I need to upgrade my computers first. Even then I'd only consider it if I planned to do more live shows. These days no one is interested in my live shows.

  5. #85
    Senior Member cseeman's Avatar
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    Hi ron,
    2009 MacMini can be a bit underpowered when you consider the CPU and the limited integrated GPU.
    At this point Wirecast 5 x264 encoder is such a major step up in quality and efficiency (there are settings that can control CPU use if needed) compared to MainConcept's H.264 (used by Adobe FMLE and others) that even some Tricaster users are starting to use Wirecast 5 just as their encoder.

    For recording I always use Apple ProRes. The sync issues had been related to NLE handling of timing. The same files play fine in Quicktime. FCPX, which is CoreMedia based (not Quicktime) handles the sync much better (Wirecast will vary the frame rate slightly when recording to avoid dropped frames).

    I'm often a one man band as well. I don't get stressed about it at all. I build my shots in advance. Set up Skype for my guest call ins. I'm all set. I'll often have a backup computer ready to go just in case.

  6. #86
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    cseeman, thanks for responding. I have a history of dealing with depression & stress. Because of that problem, I live off Social Security Disability. Over the years I've shared those struggles as well as my enthusiasm for tech etc

    Yes, I'm very aware the Mac Mini is underpowered. It's a challenge for me to come up with the money to buy a better computer. I'm hoping I can buy something later next year. At this point I'd prefer a 27" iMac.

  7. #87
    Senior Member cseeman's Avatar
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    Yet so many who stream talk just about tech. I think it's important to use the medium to communicate. Perhaps a talk show talking about depression, stress and related could garner a unique audience.

    Granted upgrading is always an expense but in the new Wirecast 5 there's controls in the x264 encoder to use less CPU if one's computer needs that. That could also make a refurbished or used MacMini or iMac a viable option.

    A lot of my personal work as a streaming advocate is working with people with very limited means. Sometimes I have to deal with audiences who might ridicule such streams for their lack of quality. I usually have to point out that even an older computer and a webcam can be a major step forward. I have the utmost respect for those who undertake to get a message out and interact with a live audience through live streaming.

  8. #88
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    My YouTube videos describe my tech interests as well as my adventures in taking better control over my health.

    Here is an example, good news about my weight loss:

  9. #89
    IAIB Broadcaster
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    Some may say I'm going over to the dark side....

    But, I've started a new show about online broadcasting called Streaming Idiots. It's still in the "alpha" shows as it don't have its own website yet, graphics are still in development, but we have two shows "in the can."

    The concept behind the show is neither original nor unique. It is another in a long line of tech shows about internet broadcasting. I'll be reviewing & critiquing hardware & software as well as passing along tips & tricks. Real original, right? So, you probably wouldn't be interested in it.

    But if you were, you could watch it live immediately following the That VidBlaster Guy! show on Wednesdays at 3 ET/8 UK. Reruns are on YouTube on the VBGuy channel.

    If you are interested in being a guest to shamelessly promote your own show or product, drop me a note. We're probably very compatible.

  10. #90
    Moderator / IAIB Pro Broadcaster mcphillips's Avatar
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    North Carolina
    At your age, you need to get in as many shows as you can before it's too late.
    Please direct all questions for me to the forum so that all can benefit.

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