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Thread: I keep losing more weight!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    I keep losing more weight!

    I hope you don't mind my sharing the good news here!

    I weighed 330 pounds for many years. It got to the point where I didn't bother trying to keep track. My bathroom scales at the time only went to 300 pounds! I finally decided to get rid of the scales.

    I had avoided my MD for 3 years because he'd yelled at me for apparently not trying to take better care of myself. I finally needed to contact him before I could get a refill of my blood pressure medications. I decided to start taking better care of myself beginning July of this year.

    There was good and bad news. My blood pressure had gone sky-high. We eventually decided to double the dosage of Lisinopril to take care of that problem. The good news was that I lost 15 pounds!

    I also went to the Wound Care Center to take care of my swollen legs. The fluids had stopped flowing, and the legs were badly swollen. That could eventually lead the weeping ulcers, gangrene, etc. I got treated with a soft cast, several times over the next month. Then I graduated to compression stockings.

    My legs haven't looked this good in years! I still have some discoloration where the skin had stretched to its thinnest point. But I don't need to see the doctor unless something goes wrong. I need to wear compression stockings during my waking hours. I take them off at night.

    I went to my Sleep Doctor to get re-evaluated for Sleep Apnea. I got a new BiPap machine. They also discovered that I wasn't getting enough oxygen when I was sleeping. Now I also have this huge machine by my bed. It takes in room air, and removes the nitrogen. That thing makes lots of noise.

    It seems every time I look, I've lost more weight! My best calculation is that I've lost 44 pounds since July! I went from a high of 330 pounds to 286!

    I have not gone on a diet. I haven't gone for extra walks. I'm not complaining! Maybe I'll buy a new wardrobe next March, for my birthday!

  2. #2
    Senior Member oscarmartz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Corona NY
    Congrats Ron. You should be very proud of what you have accomplishing. I have battled weight issues for some time and hearing your story helps a lot!
    you best get steppin

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Thanks! I'm still amazed that I've actually done very little to lose the weight. Eventually I'll get off my lazy butt and start walking again.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Podnutter's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Wow Ron congrats!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Thanks, buddy. Have a wonderful day!


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