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Thread: Hello from Radionomy

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    May 2013

    Hello from Radionomy

    Hello all,

    I am Nick from the user created internet radio platform: Radionomy! I am here to learn about broadcasters wants and needs in internet radio and help anyone trying to broadcast content online. Our platform has undergone many upgrades in the past few months and our community of producers is growing. Our recent move to the US has had us busy and we are currently looking for American station producers that can produce great content! If you have any questions, thoughts, concerns feel free to contact me!


  2. #2
    Moderator / IAIB Pro Broadcaster mcphillips's Avatar
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    North Carolina
    Welcome. What kind of content are you looking for?
    Please direct all questions for me to the forum so that all can benefit.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    we have producers putting up stations ranging from talk shows to country music hits so anything works. the platform itself is free to use so producers can create as many stations as they want.

  4. #4
    Member Brutish Sailor's Avatar
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    San Diego, California
    Quote Originally Posted by nvradio View Post
    we have producers putting up stations ranging from talk shows to country music hits so anything works. the platform itself is free to use so producers can create as many stations as they want.
    That's great, but you still missed the big picture with American broadcasters by a long shot.

    (Radionomy is hosting services and "royalty coverage" rolled into one.)

    If your radionomy, you missed the boat with this talk of "Content"

    I'm not some guy that sets up a live stream with a playlist out my ipod, and presses play. When I wake up in the morning, I cant wait to broadcast. I'm a pumped up mini-media war machine. I've lost so much cash in this leisure activity (because I choose to). I have fought and clawed to keep my stream up. Why is this all pertinent?

    Because my station IS my content. The content I have defines MY station. WHY would I look elsewhere?

    Further more, that wont increase use. Shift this content talk to the left, first worry about reassuring me your legal. You can tell me all you want to "let Radionomy worry about that". Cool.

    But ask anyone that was around when SWCAST threw up their hands, claimed safe harbor, and threw their broadcasters "under the bus" for HUGE collections from the PRO. After that, I would rather break my balls with a tack hammer than broadcast without my trusty JLA. SWcast really tore apart this internet broadcast community for a while. Until Radionomy produces documentation, and comes out, and says ,"Yes American people we are 100 percent legal, and here's our documentation" I trust you at face value. I cheer on what you have done in France. In Europe.

    You made the right moves here. Hiring that programmer from Tune-in was the smartest thing Radionomy could have done. Even though I would of had him worry about the website CMS (The new "simple" site design? I hate it) But you haven't given me piece of mind, and you haven't given me the credit WE deserve (In an internet radio site, like this one? take a look around. WE are the content)

    Just wanted to share there. I hope this was insightful feedback

    I dont mean to come off aggressive, but I am always naturally aggressive, and it keeps this convo of what you could do to attract more US broadcasters valid.

    Oh yeah, hey everyone. Rob Drew. Devoted internet broadcaster. US Naval Sailor on 6 of 7 seas. Website builder, launch script twiddler, Codec Tester. College bound for audio engineering.
    Last edited by Brutish Sailor; 08-17-2013 at 08:05 AM.

  5. #5
    Member Brutish Sailor's Avatar
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    I was thinking about this. Lets go back to this "content" discussion or Radionomy for a second.

    You have made it legal to launch streams "supposidly" if it is out of your directory. So as long as our web pages direct listeners to your directory, its legal.

    OK, I cant speak for the whole community here, but I can PERSONALLY SAY, that the last thing I want is to introduce the listening audience I pull to SOME BIG directory with stations like me doing the same thing Im doing. Some is not following the DMCA, but Im not expecting you to really understand that, being that your home operation is out of France, with a small outpost in San Fran.

    So, Now I have to say listen now link on my website, with a link to 1000 pages like mine..... Do you see where I would have a problem here? Most JLA's in the US have a custom content option. We can upload links hosted by the license provider, and host a simple html page that HREF= to these links.

    (Im not advertizing, Im just using this as an example)

    If you hit my listen now link, it links to my custom content page through LC, which is very simple, fits my needs, and is legal.

    NOW, that would make sense to me. What you are asking? doens't. That seems on the boarder of unreasonable. Thats a start if you want to worry about my custom content. Let me handle the content, you give me a reasonable way to present it, one that doesn't make me PLAY TUG OF WAR with my listeners in your community. I dont want to hate other stations, I want to work with them to create a friendly enjoyable listening experience, and I cant if were all in the same listening pull fighting over any listener I bring through my site.

    Even if you used DOLPHIN to script a directory, so the layout could be like "myspace" that would work. Obviously this operation isnt the funded by "the march of dimes" and you need to raise money. DOLPHIN gives you the ability to do that. Layout of a CMS to match the users site.

    You want to help me with content? Scripts to integrate my site into your legal directory. Launch scripts. Bountys on new script developments and releases. Make an active community that cooperates together.

    Make the legality's transparent of what I can, and cant do. You offer no way to IP lock. That disturbs me. What If I want to launch streams in the areas of france, but use my licenses here to broadcast to the US?

    Actually. Point blank: Let me use my own bandwidth. My host bandwidth beats your host bandwidth hands down. Less jitter in the bandwidth. My 48kbps stream (the flash player stream on my site) sounds better than a majority of your 128kbps streams. While I'm again not trying to advertize, If you look at my IP's (shoutcast and Icecast, I do it duel lol) I actually have no ports for my launch scripts. It keeps my streams port 80, and bypassing firewalls. I would love to list my already licensed stream in the US to your directory, for access to overseas listeners.

    But I cant, because you insist on your servers. Not mine.

    Thats a deal breaker for me.
    Last edited by Brutish Sailor; 08-17-2013 at 10:33 PM.


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