View Full Version : are podcast subscriber count important?

09-26-2012, 05:40 AM
I might be missing something but why do podcasters make a big deal about subscriber count. isnt having downloads more important?

09-26-2012, 08:44 AM
I might be missing something but why do podcasters make a big deal about subscriber count. isnt having downloads more important?
Absolutely! That is why we look at the 'live views', because we are a live call-in show. The downloads are important but they are not as many as the live. Now, if your subscribers paid you for the subscription and didn't download, oh well :-) But free 1000 subscription and only 100 downloads mean you only have 100 active listeners.

09-26-2012, 09:49 AM
I might be missing something but why do podcasters make a big deal about subscriber count. isnt having downloads more important?

I'd say they're valued more than downloads for a few reasons. First would be that it generally gives you a better way of measuring the show's audience as downloads can be less predictable. The second would be for business reasons, as we don't currently have any good metrics for listener engagement on podcasts (length of time listened etc..) subscribers are a more accurate way of gauging your audience when approaching possible sponsors.

A subscriber has subscribed to your content, meaning they're far more likely to be listening to your content than those who download a file. Downloads can be unpredictable, if you get a big name guest your downloads may go through the roof, but your subscription numbers will let you know if anyone stuck around.