View Full Version : 3 video cards

William Thomas
08-14-2012, 06:13 PM
I want to buy two more video cards for my pc. here are the pc specs

AMD Anthlon II x640 processor 3.0 ghz

8 gb ram

64 bit os win7

Currently have one viewcast osprey 100

I have two slots left that are pcie x1 and plan i getting two more capture cards this week. probably a startech as they seem to be reasonably priced. only have those pcie x1 slots so i am limited. cant get an osprey as they dont have a pcie x1 single input video card. only the 440 with for inputs...only a grand....its in my future...distant future

So do you think that I will be able to switch betweem those three cams with that little processor?. I just upgraded it from a dual processor all by my lonesome...felt like an a+++++ ms tech...lol...or dell tech i guess

Thanks for any help
