View Full Version : Started a new show this past Saturday - "For Your Consideration..."

08-13-2012, 11:10 AM
A fellow broadcaster and I joined forces this past Saturday to launch a new show called For Your Consideration. We enjoyed the heck out of doing that first show and we plan to continue it, each Saturday at 4pm. It's a general discussion forum where we'll talk about almost anything, probably with a heavy tilt to the things more geek and SciFi oriented.


08-14-2012, 05:37 AM
Listening to the first episode right now! Love the space ghost clip at the start of the show !

08-14-2012, 05:45 AM
Listening to the first episode right now! Love the space ghost clip at the start of the show !

Yeah, I wanted something off the wall, so I put that together about an hour before we did the first show. It kinda gives you that WTH factor since the show really isn't about anything but is about everything, so you never know what to expect. :)

08-14-2012, 07:41 PM
Great show !!!!!

08-15-2012, 09:41 AM
I enjoyed your first show very much, keep it up.