View Full Version : What Apps should I download on my Mac?

07-02-2014, 09:23 AM
A first time mac owner recently asked me what apps he should download since he is not very familiar with software on the mac side. Here are some apps I suggested he check out. Please add to this list

1. IRC Client - Textual
2. Twitter Client - Tweetbot
3. Computer Stats - iStat
4. Webcam Controller - Webcams (app store)

07-02-2014, 01:00 PM
A very subjective question, depending on the needs of the user.
As a broadcaster, I want a certain number of tools available. However, that same tool set wouldn't, necessarily, apply to a musician or a writer.
An example might be:
1. QuickTime 7 Pro
2. Final Cut X
3. HandBrake
4. BoinxTV
5. CamTwist
6. CyberDuck
7. TextWrangler
8. Webcam Settings
9. Pocket
10. Remote Buddy

Those are a few of the items I require in my toolbox.

07-02-2014, 01:01 PM
A very subjective question, depending on the needs of the user.
As a broadcaster, I want a certain number of tools available. However, that same tool set wouldn't, necessarily, apply to a musician or a writer.
An example might be:
1. QuickTime 7 Pro
2. Final Cut X
3. HandBrake
4. BoinxTV
5. CamTwist
6. CyberDuck
7. TextWrangler
8. Webcam Settings
9. Pocket
10. Remote Buddy

Those are a few of the items I require in my toolbox.

Great list! Do you still use BoinxTV? I know many people were using it a few years ago but slowly faded away from it for wirecast

07-02-2014, 01:17 PM
While I use Wirecast predominately for our broadcast, BoinxTV can come in handy for certain things. It has a clean, straight forward, interface, which I like a lot. I've been on Bastian for years to incorporate streaming and Desktop Presenter capabilities into BoinxTV, but they've still not yet done so.