View Full Version : Razer teases an upcoming Android TV micro-gaming console

06-27-2014, 07:08 AM
After yesterday's announcement of Android TV (http://www.gizmag.com/google-android-tv/32702/), we can soon expect to see a steady stream of home entertainment products running the new platform. One of those devices is going to be made by popular gaming hardware maker Razer, which announced its micro-gaming console plans at Google I/O.

While Razer did say that gaming would be a big focus in the upcoming micro-console, the company didn't mention whether it would come with a dedicated gaming controller, similar to, say, the one that Amazon makes for the Fire TV (http://www.gizmag.com/amazon-fire-tv-review/31514/). Being a gaming company, logic dictates that Razer would throw a controller into the mix, but only time will tell.

Details are extremely scarce at this point, but we do know that the box will implement voice control (like Android TV in general), allowing users to manipulate aspects of the console with spoken words. Also consistent with Android TV's focus, users will be able to connect their mobile devices to the console from a tablet or smartphone.

This is more of a device to keep an eye on in the long term than something we can say much more about now. As of this writing, the console doesn't even have a name (much less a price), but Razer did provide a release window of this (Northern hemisphere) Fall. Given that timeline, it's likely we'll be hearing more in the next couple of months.

Source: Razer (http://www.razerzone.com/press/detail/press-releases/razer-developing-new-micro-console-to-connect-android-entertainment-in-the-living-room)

Source: http://www.gizmag.com/razer-android-micro-console/32725/

Hopefully this would be a comparable console to PCs with high-end video cards and other gaming consoles.