View Full Version : Titles, Lower 3rds and video playback suggestions

04-11-2013, 09:03 AM
Hi everyone,

Pretty quiet this week with NAB going on. I am in need of some advice, but first a little background....

We use a BMD ATEM1 as our switcher. It is a great switcher but does not have a nice media system for lower thirds and video playback. It has the ability to display graphics but it is a pain and you are limited to how many you can have "armed" at one time.

So, we now post produce all of our shows and add in the intro, ads, outro and lower 3rds. This can get time consuming, especially with multiple guests. I want to change the work flow so that the show is recorded from beginning to end with intro, outro, lower 3rds, etc.

I know I could go to a tricaster and would love to but the cost is prohibitive. So I am looking at something to put post BMD to do the graphic overlays. So far I am considering using either Wirecast or Pro-Presenter. I am already familiar with Pro-Presenter and it can do what I am wanting to do. I am looking at wirecase because I could then use it as a portable broadcast system using webcams or BDM capture devices.

I already have a dedicated device for streaming to all 3 CDNs and 2 dedicated skype machines so I would not really need all of the features that are in Wirecast.

One more note, we are an all SDI studio with just a few output exceptions. From the BMD to the Hyperdeck recorder is SDI as well so whatever the solution is needs to support SDI.

I would love some suggestions / advice on the options.


04-11-2013, 01:07 PM
Mike, Have you looked at Caspar CG? http://www.casparcg.com/

04-11-2013, 01:32 PM
Never heard of it before. I will go check it out.
